7 psychological habits
of highly successful people
7 psychological habits of highly successful people People whose outward success is matched by inner calm usually have self-compassion. Many successful people have positive feelings and peace with themselves, and one of the signs of this is that they are not very critical of themselves, and they are completely honest about their shortcomings. In addition, they never favor the idea of self-judgment or rumination of sorrows and negative self-talk in general. Nick Wignall, based on his experience as a psychologist, presents in his article on the "Medium" website 7 psychological habits of highly successful people, which can be learned from and taught to our children to help their success in the future.
They admit their feelings early
It's hard to succeed in any part of our life if we're constantly overwhelmed with painful emotions. Of course, we go through difficult emotions like fear, sadness, or anger. But why do some people handle these feelings relatively well while others can't? According to Wignall, it's easier to manage difficult emotions when we hit them early on because the accumulation of these emotions over time will lead to an increase in their volume and intensity, which works to distract you and your lack of focus in the work you do. If you can get in the habit of acknowledging your feelings when they first appear, and then validating them instead of trying to get rid of them, you'll have a greatly improved possibility of remaining genuinely adjusted, continuing on with your own personal business, and making progress.
Observe their way of thinking
Aside from ignoring your feelings when they first appear, another reason why these negative feelings are magnified is that we inadvertently feed them through our thought patterns, such as chronic worry or negative self-talk that turns into stronger, longer-lasting feelings. If you want to control your emotions, you must learn to control your thinking. The vast majority are not completely mindful of their psychological examples.. As a result, they find themselves at the mercy of all the feelings that lead to it, for example, chronic self-criticism leads to chronic low self-confidence. Successful people often have the habit of checking, noticing, and paying attention to their thoughts. They are aware of the role they play in initiating or perpetuating unhelpful mental patterns and, as a result, are better at regulating the patterns of thoughts and emotions that follow.
They sympathize with themselves when they make mistakes
One of the things I've noticed about successful people, Wignall says, is that there are two types of them, very successful on the outside, but miserable on the inside. The other type is outwardly successful and also has a relatively calm and confident inner life. One of the main reasons for this difference is to overcome strong feelings from within when you make a mistake or fall short in something. People who are successful on the outside but miserable on the inside have a very strong habit of judging themselves when they make mistakes. They continually ponder previous oversights, stress over future mix-ups, and are for the most part terrible about themselves. But people whose outward success is matched by inner calm tend to have a strong habit of self-compassion. They think about their mistakes and try to learn from them, but they don't talk about them or generalize them to themselves as a person.
They listen to their feelings but rarely trust them
According to Wignall, most people's relationship with their feelings falls into one of two extremes, either they reject or avoid their feelings. Thus, they do not know much about it or the extent of its impact on them outside their awareness, or they are obsessed with their feelings and focus on them excessively, and therefore they are very emotionally driven in making their decisions and choices. Successful people, often have a middle approach to their emotions. They are aware of their feelings, but they do not place blind faith in them either.
They update their predictions frequently
Expectations are strong beliefs about the future or what you think you should achieve. They are in the back of our minds, which means we rarely check or revise them. If you insist on having expectations, they must be realistic. Many people end up falling into self-sabotaging patterns and bad habits because they are still operating according to old expectations from childhood. Successful people understand that to continue to make good decisions in an ever-changing environment, your expectations must be checked and updated regularly so that you can stick to reality and move toward your goals and aspirations rather than away from them.
Managing emotions is very hard, and to do these jobs well people need to support their brains. It's like being a professional athlete and eating a bad diet, or owning a sports car and not bothering to change the oil.Achievement relies upon a solid psyche, and a sound brain relies upon sound propensities.. Successful people know that performing at your best depends on emotional strength and mental intelligence and that these things take time and investment.
Sometimes emotionally vulnerable
Emotional vulnerability is one such silly and superficial term that isn't even worth thinking about because most people don't understand what it means.
Being sincerely weak intends that, when proper, you are capable and able to discuss how you feel, particularly when it is troublesome. This is not only important for your emotional health and well-being, but it is essential if you wish to maintain healthy and effective relationships with others around you, on which almost all success depends.
A fruitful excursion in life relies upon feeling certain and having the option to discuss what we feel. Successful people understand that by acting out their emotional vulnerability and being honest about how they feel, they empower others to do the same.