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10 Foods You THINK Are “Good for You”… WRONG!


 10 Foods You THINK Are “Good for You”… WRONG!

says that some of the foods that you * suppose * are healthy for you actually are not. Read markers and educate yourself in order to take care of yourself. 

 Don’t believe the hype! 

  1. Sushi it can be super good for you but super bad if you add a lot of sauce, sugar, fried constituents, and mayo 
  2. Deli meat it’s full of nitrates, sodium, fat, and reused constituents. It ca n’t get any worse as far as quality. 
  3. Diet soda pop  it has zero calories, but it has constituents that aren't good for your body. 
  4. Breakfast cereals they can contain a crap- ton of sugar. Try Magic ladle which is low carb high protein, nothing artificial, and tastes succulent — healthy and succulent! 
  5. Veggie Chips and Skinny Pop — what they do to them to make them ‘ veggie chips ’ isn't healthy. Also the Skinny Pop has the same nutritive panel as ‘ veggie chips ’. 
  6. Diet foods those that are labeled low fat are frequently worse for you( increased sugars, advanced calories, preservatives). Do n’t be wisecracked. 
  7. Veggie burgers — soy, swab, and preservatives aren't ideal. Look for bones that are made with whole foods, sap, and seeds. 
  8. Juice — it’s unhealthy. Eat a piece of fruit and drink water rather. Juice has the fiber stripped out with sugar added. 
  9. Energy drinks they can have an adverse effect on yourheart.However, drink coffee, If you want energy. 
  10. Energy bars utmost are packed with sugar( they are like a delicacy bar).